Evolution of a Novel Pitch

Auf Facebook hatte ich es schon geteilt, aber ich möchte es doch auch in meinen Blog aufnehmen, weil ich den Blogpost nicht nur interessant und hilfreich fand, sondern er mich auch dazu animiert hat, mich mal wieder darin zu üben, den ultimativen Pitch für Inagi zu schreiben.

Am I Doing This Right?


Around February, when we finally got the last of our beta notes back and made the last of our edits to The Last Princess, I worked up the nerve to start sending out query letters to agents. I invested in one of the online lectures available through the Writer’s Digest website — about writing query letters — and was introduced to the concept of the logline. A logline is a 2-3 sentence thumbnail of your novel which you put in the first paragraph of your query, to entice your agent-of-choice to read on. If distilling your entire novel into a one page synopsis seems daunting, then again even further into a paragraph for the body of the query letter, the logline is ten times as challenging. Because, it turns out, this is probably the single most important tool you have to interest an agent. It has to be perfect.

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2 Gedanken zu “Evolution of a Novel Pitch

    1. Findest Du das auch so schwierig? Ich bastle schon seit Ewigkeiten an meinem herum, aber 100%ig zufrieden bin ich immer noch nicht.

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